OneFire Blog

20 Questions To Ask When Considering a New Website

Written by ONEFIRE | 7/25/24 7:15 PM


Your website is the first chance you get to make an impression on a prospect. If you’re like many of the business owners we talk to, then you might feel like there is room for improvement to make your website the best it can be… but you don’t know where to start.

We know that designing, building, and launching a new website can feel like a massive undertaking, but with the right partner, it can be a simple, straightforward process.

So, if you’re starting to feel like your site needs an overhaul or you need to create a brand new one, here are 20 questions to help you clarify your vision and needs:

What does the data say about my current website performance?
Before you change anything on your website, you need to understand what is and is not working. Dig in to your analytics and try to get a real picture of how visitors spend time on your site. Where do they come in, when do they leave, and how much time do they spend on each page? This will help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your site as it is, so you can incorporate that data into a new site.

What new features are essential for me to launch with?
Traditionally, a website “launch” meant that the finished product went live all at once, and companies had to hope that it worked. But there’s a better way, and it’s called Growth Driven Design. This is an iterative approach that rolls out your new site in phases.

The first version has all the necessary components of a working website, but we test new features in stages to see how each one performs. With Growth Driven Design, we’re able to launch a new site quickly, and then evolve and improve it over time.

How can I make things easier to find?
The look of a website matters, but if anything is going to make or break a visitor’s experience, it’s navigation. If people can’t find what they need on your site quickly, then they’re going to click away. So while websites should look cool and present your brand well, we also know that a clear, descriptive, and easy to navigate website wins.

Is it obvious what my business does, and who it does it for?
Studies show that it takes less than one second for visitors to form an opinion about a website. That means that your website has milliseconds to accurately convey what you do, and who you help. Try to view your site through the eyes of a potential client: does your website tell them what it needs to in an instant?

Is my website fast enough?
According to marketer Neil Patel, 40 percent of users will leave a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. You can test your website’s speed using a free speed test tool (like Google Lighthouse,) which will help you find any sticking points that are slowing down your site.

Do my pages align with user behavior?
According to HubSpot, users spend an average of 54 seconds on a website page. Look at the messaging, media and layout of each page to make sure that your prospects can get what they need from each page in under a minute.

Am I using video effectively across my website?
The data says that the average time spent on pages with video is six minutes. That means you can keep your site visitors engaged for much longer, to convey your most important messages.

Think about where video would work best on your site, and the types of video that could most effectively speak to your ideal prospect.

Do my photos look inauthentic?
Stock photos might look professional, but they don’t look like you and your company. If you want to stand out from your competition, include pictures of your building, your team and your clients on your website. People like to do business with other people,  so don’t be afraid to show the authentic, human side of your business on your website. 

How is my website different from my competitors’ websites?
When you’re creating a new website, it’s so important to put yourself in your potential clients’ shoes. How are they going to find you? What do they type into a search engine? And what’s going to make them prefer your website to a competitor’s?

Pay attention to elements like color palette, layout, messaging and navigation to make sure that you stand out from your competitors.

Is my website ready for AI?
From SEO to user experience, consider doing a deep dive into AI capabilities and technical considerations to make sure your website is working with emerging technology and not against it.

Is it easy to find basic information on my site?
If important information is too difficult to find on your site, you run the risk of losing potential clients. Prioritize key information and make sure it isn’t buried too deep on your site.

Again, think like a visitor on your site: how many clicks does it take to find the contact information for your business or answer basic questions? Including features like a chatbot or an FAQ page can help improve overall user experience.

Can I make simple updates to my website without engaging with a web developer?
Your website should be easy to modify and update as your business needs evolve. Make sure any new website empowers you to have control.

Does my messaging align with my target audience?
The messaging on your website should speak directly to your ideal client, which means you have to be very clear on who that is. Consider what their needs are, why they sought out your business, and how you can support them once they’ve found your site.

Remember: If you’re trying to talk to everyone, you end up talking to no one. So keep that ideal prospect in mind with every piece of content you add to your site.

What modern capabilities is my site missing?
Make sure your website functions in the way that modern consumers want to use it. Try including convenient tools like online meeting schedulers, live and automated chat and site-wide search to enhance your site’s ease and functionality.

Are there third-party integrations that I need to consider?
Your point-of-sale system, marketing platform, accounting platform and CRM may have tie-ins to your website that you’re missing out on implementing. Take a look at what you’re already paying for in these tools and be sure to maximize that investment.

Does my website accurately reflect the look and feel of my company?
Your branding is the combination of elements that makes your company recognizable. It’s important that everything from your website to your proposals and your signage all evoke your cohesive brand, so that a client can recognize it no matter where they’re seeing it. 

What does my website look like on a phone?
In 2024, more than 60 percent of all web traffic comes through mobile phones. It is so important that your website looks great and functions well on smaller mobile devices, because if it doesn't, it could cost you new clients.

Is my site accessible for people with disabilities?
Did you know that the same law that requires you have handicap parking in your parking lot, also has regulations in place for ADA compliance on your website?  Make sure your site is equipped with the technology necessary to allow those with vision impairment and disabilities to navigate your website, or you may be opening yourself up to legal risk.

Here are just some of the ways you can make your website ADA compliant:
-Use clear headings and subheadings. This will help screen readers better convey the information on your site.
-Label all images with “alt tags” that describe the image.
-Add captions and transcripts for audio and video content.
-Provide clear, easy-to-follow navigation on your site.
-Make sure your site is keyboard accessible.
(For more information, visit the ADA Site Compliance website.)

What is the value that visitors receive when they come to my site?
Your site has to do more than sell products and teach people about your business; it needs to provide true value throughout the lifecycle of your customer. Including elements like an FAQ page, how-to guides, helpful videos and blog posts can enrich your clients’ experience with your business, and build trust with your audience.

When was the last time I redesigned my website?
It’s not necessary to revamp your website every year, but if it’s been 3-5 years since your last significant site update, it might be time to consider what’s next. So much has changed in the digital space over the past few years, and AI and other technologies evolve every day. Make plans to stay ahead of those changes, and bring your website up to speed so it can serve you, and your clients, in the best way possible. 


Thinking about a new website for your business? We'd love to learn more.