Anyone marketing their business knows the importance of content. What you're putting online can be a powerful tool for bringing new clients to you, instead of the traditional advertising method of paying to put yourself in front of them. Consumers are savvy, and they see right through that approach.
Think of your content as an extension of your sales team. How do you want to represent your business? What makes a top salesperson so valuable? The person who excels in sales listens to clients' questions and problems, and aims to improve their life or business in some way. They are trustworthy and respectful, and understand a clients' needs. The best custom content is going to do the same. What content can you put out there that is going to add value to the lives of potential clients? Where is your voice needed?
There is still a place for traditional advertising, but custom content can launch your business in ways you might not even expect:
1. Gain the Edge on Social Media
Create your content so that it's meant to be shared. People love sharing interesting articles and videos, so keep that in mind when you're working on a content marketing plan. Create something that you would want to share yourself, and put it on multiple social media channels.
That way, you're accessing potential new business right where people are spending their time - on their phones and laptops. The more your content is passed along, the better chance it has to pull in new clients and get your name out there.
2. Strengthen the Bond with Existing Clients
Some percentage of the people reading your content is going to be clients you're already working with. They follow you on social media, subscribe to your newsletter and visit your website regularly. Don't forget about catering content to them, too.
You want to be helpful to your clients, so pay attention to their needs. What questions do they need answered? What day-to-day problems do they encounter in their industry? Custom content development is an ideal way to make their lives easier, making you more valuable in their eyes.
This helps your team, too. If you find that you're bombarded with the same five questions over and over again, take that opportunity to create some problem-solving blog posts or videos right on your website. Your clients will appreciate the convenience.
3. Stay Engaged with your Audience
No matter how impeccable your marketing plan might be, it's easy to get bogged down in your everyday tasks. Custom content development forces you to pull back, look at the big picture and consider your audience. In order to attract the ideal client, you have to get focused on who that is and what they need. Why is that your ideal client? Who do you hope to be working with years down the line?
You have to understand your own goals - as well as the goals of your potential clients - to customize content to them. Taking the time to plan out your content helps you make that a priority.
4. Form a Connection
Customizing your content lets your audience know more about the personality of your business. In the era of sharing and cultivating a voice, it's very important that people see the heart of your business in your content. That is key to standing out among the competition.
Let them see the people, processes and dedication that makes your business awesome. That's where you shine, after all. And that is what helps turn readers and viewers into clients.