OneFire Blog

How Data Drives Our Sales Engine

Written by ONEFIRE | 5/28/24 7:15 PM


We’ve seen it for ourselves, and for our client: a well-oiled sales engine can breathe new life into a stagnate sales funnel and help you stay in front of the right-fit prospects until they enter their buying window.

Our sales engine process was built on research. We sought out the data at every turn, so that we could feel confident we were using best practices in our approach. We researched the most effective ways to reach prospective buyers in the modern channels that they want to be reached in. We also uncovered the best ways to stay in front of those best-fit prospects, providing value over time.


Is your sales engine effective?

When we talk about "sales engines," we’re referring to the Account-Based Marketing (ABM) methodology we use, from start to finish, to bring in new business. There are so many decisions, details, and touchpoints that happen along the way, and it can be difficult to know how effective your sales engine is — especially if you recently implemented a new strategy.

The first thing to understand is that this is sales, and B2B sales cycles are often long. Are you going to close tons of new deals right away? Absolutely not. Not everybody is ready to buy what you’re selling right when you reach out. But when you have the right research-based approach, you can stay plugged into your prospect’s mind for the long haul, and be part of the conversation when they are ready to talk about buying your services. 


Why we include video in our sales engine

We recommend including video as a tactic in your sales engine. Why? Because according to the research, it just works. Video prospecting is 10x more likely to elicit a response from a prospect than just a text-only email. Additionally, according to a study from Vidyard, nearly 70% of sellers say that video converts better than any other form of content they use.

We’ve seen the proof in our sales engine, too. Video attracts attention, builds trust, and helps your audience feel more connected to your business, so we recommend it as part of a strong sales engine.


Why we emphasize marketing email best practices

We are sticklers for adhering to best practices when it comes to email copy and subject lines, and with good reason: they can make or break your email marketing campaign. 

The data that we’ve found shows that 64 percent of recipients decide whether to open or delete an email based on the subject line alone, and the most effective subject lines are personalized, promotional, and engaging. We also found that when you personalize an email subject line, it increases the open rate of that email by 42 percent

Messaging is also incredibly important. Research from SalesForce shows that 80 percent of B2B buyers want to engage with sales reps who act as a trusted advisor, and who provide value and insight to their specific industry. That message should come across strong and clear in your marketing emails.

Some additional email best practices include:

> Keep your messaging clear and simple.

> Make sure the email copy aligns with the subject line you chose.

> Make your message easy to scan. Use font hierarchies, break up the text, and don’t make it longer than it needs to be. 

> Focus on your reader. Talk about what you’re offering them, and how it will improve their lives in some way.

Share valuable, approachable insights with your audience and make sure they know how to get in contact with you when they’re ready. 


Outreach consistency is key

Another extremely important component of the effective sales engine is outreach consistency. 

We implement our 12-by-28 outreach plan – that’s 12 touches over 28 weeks – because according to research, 92 percent of sales reps give up after 4 outreaches. But 80 percent of prospects usually say no four times before they’re finally saying yes. Staying consistent builds credibility, reinforces your brand, and keeps your business top of mind for prospects who will buy from you in the future.


Be ready to adapt

A winning sales engine is made up of clear and solid systems, but it also has to be adaptable. Digital channels are constantly changing, and so are your prospects’ needs. That can be intimidating, but that’s why a sales engine can be so powerful. 

If you have a consistent system in place, you can try new things without leaving your prospects behind. You can modernize your approach to prospecting, marketing, and sales while still keeping consistency, effective messaging, and a foundation of trust at the heart of your methodology.


Ready to build a sales engine for your business? Let's talk.