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Improve Employee Recruitment with Virtual Tours

Posted by Mark Hemmer on Sep 17, 2018 10:00:00 AM  | 
Mark Hemmer
2 minute read


The modern workplace carries a heavy burden. As work in general has become more flexible and technology has enabled people to get work done from anywhere, the space your company provides can be a huge difference-maker in recruitment. While each individual has their own ideal workplace in mind, there's most definitely an arms race going on between companies to see who can offer the more attractive space.

Your building reflects your culture. If you and your competitors are offering similar compensation and benefits, culture can be the deciding factor in who attracts the best talent. But, it's not reasonable to expect you to give an in-person tour to every potential new employee. How can you show off your culture without it consuming all of your time during the recruitment process? 

Offer Virtual Tours to applicants.

With 360 degree video and an inexpensive customizable VR headset, you can empower your most sought-after potential employees with the technology they need to explore your business and learn about your culture. For you, that means time saved and a leg up in the recruiting process. 

Instead of telling potential employees about your snack bar and ping pong table, show them what your company can offer. Show them why it's fun to work for your company. Show them your open floor plan. Get them excited about your company's unique culture. Virtual tours can help applicants visualize themselves working for your company. When it comes time to delve deeper into the recruiting process, part has already been completed. 

You can focus more on the finer details of recruitment when you offer virtual tours of your business ahead of time. Spend more time finalizing the deal and less time introducing potential applicants to your business. By opening your doors virtually, you're saving time, showing off your culture, and securing the best talent available. 

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